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How to Market Your Coaching Business in 2023: 21 Pro Tips

When it comes to how to market your coaching business in 2023, many coaches face challenges. However, with the right strategies and the support of tools like Launchware, you’re not in this journey alone. The following points will serve you for years to come, so get ready to learn and take action to grow & market your coaching business.

Here are the key points we’re going to cover:



  • The challenge of marketing your coaching business
  • Common misconceptions about marketing for coaches
  • 21 strategies to market your coaching business
  • Online marketing strategies
  • Offline marketing strategies for coaches
  • Finding the best marketing strategies for your coaching business with Launchware
  • With those points in mind, let’s dive into things!

The Challenge of Marketing Your Coaching Business

Marketing can be a daunting task for many coaches, especially those just starting out (and even veteran coaches that are a one-man/woman show). While you’re an expert in your coaching niche, marketing might not be your forte, and that’s okay (what’s not okay is to do nothing about that and to stick your head in the sand only to hope your business is seen by others). So, now with the awareness that you’re not an expert at marketing, let’s dive in further!

Common Misconceptions about Marketing for Coaches

Many coaches believe:

      • Marketing requires them to be overly promotional or pushy.

      • They must rely solely on social media for marketing.

      • Significant investment in paid advertising is the only way to attract clients.

    While these misconceptions are common, there are diverse and authentic ways to market your coaching services. Here are 21 ways that you can explore ways to market your coaching business and honestly, just pick ONE and go with it. You don’t need to immediately implement all 21… most coaches (and really, entrepreneurs) see all the possibilities and try to do everything at once, only to find themselves no further along because they tried too much all at once (or worse, they got overwhelmed and didn’t end up doing anything – don’t be that type of coach). Let’s keep going with How to Market Your Coaching Business in 2023.

    21 Strategies to Market Your Coaching Business

    The following online and offline strategies are a combination of areas Launchware supports with (ie. software, freebies, list-building, daily live coaching, etc.), plus areas of expertise that our co-founder, Preston Smiles, a multi-millionaire that manifested his wealth through COACHING (so you know you’re getting real-life stuff that’s working). But this is purely to provide you with knowledge that you can apply in your business (if you decide to explore next steps with us, we’re happy to connect – you’ll find info at the bottom of this page for that).

    Online Marketing Strategies

        1. Social Media: Reach a broader audience by sharing valuable content and engaging authentically.

        2. Virtual Meetups: Schedule virtual coffee chats or group sessions to connect with potential clients and collaborators


        3. Networking Events: Promote and attend online networking events to expand your reach.


        4. Exclusive Freebies: Offer downloadable resources, like templates or guides, to attract potential clients.


        5. Engage in Online Communities: Join or create groups that align with your niche and engage by providing value.


        6. Guest Blogging: Share your expertise on other platforms and direct readers to your website.


        7. Optimized SEO: Ensure potential clients find you easily on search engines by optimizing your content.


        8. Professional Website: Create a user-friendly website that effectively communicates your services and value.


        9. Affiliate Programs: Partner with complementary services to expand your offerings.


        10. Webinars and Online Workshops: Host and promote webinars to showcase your expertise.


        11. Targeted Ads: Once you’ve established your niche, consider using targeted promotions to attract more clients.


        12. Content Sharing: Share valuable content on platforms like Pinterest to drive traffic to your website

      Offline Marketing Strategies for Coaches
        1.  Podcast Appearances: Feature on podcasts to reach a wider audience and establish authority in your niche.

        2. Referral ProgramsEncourage satisfied clients to refer others to your services

        3. Strategic PartnershipsCollaborate with businesses or organizations to expand your reach.

        4. Public Speaking: Offer your expertise at events and direct attendees to your website for more resources.

        5. Engage Past Clients: Keep in touch with past clients for potential repeat business or referrals.

        6. Sample Sessions: Offer trial sessions to give potential clients a taste of your coaching style.

        7. Industry Partnerships: Connect with coaching organizations to stay updated with industry trends and best practices.

        8. Leverage Your Network: Inform your personal and professional network about your services.

        9. Local Networking: Attend local events to connect with potential clients and collaborators. 
      1. Navigating the world of marketing as a coach in 2023 can seem like a daunting task, especially with the ever-evolving digital landscape. However, by leveraging both online and offline strategies, coaches can effectively reach their target audience and grow their business. Remember, it’s not about using every method available, but rather focusing on those that align with your brand, values, and target audience. With dedication, consistency, and the right tools in hand, your coaching business can thrive in this dynamic market. As you explore these strategies, always prioritize authenticity and value, ensuring that your marketing efforts resonate genuinely with potential clients.

      Finding the Best Marketing Strategies for Your Coaching Business with Launchware

      While all these strategies can be effective, it’s essential to choose those that align with your goals and strengths. With Launchware’s daily live coaching sessions (on Marketing, Offer Building, Sales & Enrollment, Coaching Skills Practice, and Mindset coaching) and business-building questionnaires, you can gain insights, refine your strategies, and build essential parts of your business, from funnels to websites. What we can 100% guarantee is that when you come into the Launchware Ecosystem, you will 10X your knowledge of marketing, entrepreneurship, and coaching altogether which will make you more valuable to the market. Come level up.

      Finding the best

      Want to become a Launchware user?

      If you know Launchware is the next right move for your life & coaching business, you can either book a call with one of our expert coaches to explore next steps or visit our Pricing & Plans page to check out our offerings.

      Pro Tip: Marketing your coaching business with Launchware with eliminate 90% to 99% of the technical work it normally takes to build & launch an offer like a PRO Coach. If you can do 1% to 10% of the work, which is just the coaching part, then Launchware is for you.

      We hope you enjoyed this read on How to Market Your Coaching Business in 2023.